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The mature, fertilized ovule of a pistillate plant, containing a protective shell, embryo, and supply of food – a seed will germinate and grow, given heat and moisture.

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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
seed (noun)
a) (1) the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing
(2) the fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo and capable normally of germination to produce a new plant , broadly a propagative plant structure (as a spore or small dry fruit)
b) a propagative animal structure
(1) - milt semen
(2) a small egg (as of an insect)
(3) a developmental form of a lower animal suitable for transplanting , specifically - spat
c) the condition or stage of bearing seed - in seed
- progeny
a source of development or growth - germ sowed the seeds of discord
something (as a tiny particle or a bubble in glass) that resembles a seed in shape or size
a competitor who has been in a tournament - seeded the top seed
seed (verb)
intransitive verb
to bear or shed seed
transitive verb
to sow seed - plant
a) to plant in - seeds sow seed a lawn with grass
b) to furnish with something that causes or stimulates growth or development
c) - inoculate
d) to supply with nuclei (as of crystallization or condensation) , especially to treat (a cloud) with solid particles to convert water droplets into ice crystals in an attempt to produce precipitation
e) to cover or permeate by or as if by scattering something - seeded [the] sea-lanes with thousands of magnetic mines Otto Friedrich
- plant
to extract the seeds from (as raisins)
a) to schedule (tournament players or teams) so that superior ones will not meet in early rounds
b) to rank (a contestant) relative to others in a tournament on the basis of previous record - the top-seeded tennis star
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
seed (noun)
the source from which something grows or develops
fountainhead, germ, origin, root, seedbed
font, fountain, spring, well, wellhead, wellspring; beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, genesis, inception, incipiency, launch, morning, onset, outset, start, threshold; creation, inauguration, origination
seed (noun)
the descendants of a person, animal, or plant
fruit, get, issue, posterity, progeny, seed, spawn
brood, hatch, litter, young; child, scion; family, kin; lineage, stock
ancestor, antecedent, father, forebear ( forbear), forebearer, forefather, grandfather, parent, primogenitor, progenitor
seed (verb)
to put or set into the ground to grow
drill, put in, seed, sow
bed; replant, transplant; broadcast, scatter; pot; overseed, reseed
gather, harvest, reap
Seed (Wikipedia)

In botany, a seed is a plant embryo and nutrient reserve enclosed in a seed coat, a protective outer covering called a testa. More generally, the term "seed" means anything that can be sown, which may include seed and husk or tuber. Seeds are the product of the ripened ovule, after the embryo sac is fertilized by sperm from pollen, forming a zygote. The embryo within a seed develops from the zygote and grows within the mother plant to a certain size before growth is halted.

Photomicrograph of various seeds

The formation of the seed is the defining part of the process of reproduction in seed plants (spermatophytes). Other plants such as ferns, mosses and liverworts, do not have seeds and use water-dependent means to propagate themselves. Seed plants now dominate biological niches on land, from forests to grasslands both in hot and cold climates.

In the flowering plants, the ovary ripens into a fruit which contains the seed and serves to disseminate it. Many structures commonly referred to as "seeds" are actually dry fruits. Sunflower seeds are sometimes sold commercially while still enclosed within the hard wall of the fruit, which must be split open to reach the seed. Different groups of plants have other modifications, the so-called stone fruits (such as the peach) have a hardened fruit layer (the endocarp) fused to and surrounding the actual seed. Nuts are the one-seeded, hard-shelled fruit of some plants with an indehiscent seed, such as an acorn or hazelnut.

Seed (Wiktionary)



  • (Received Pronunciation, US) enPR: sēd, IPA(key): /siːd/
  • Rhymes: -iːd
  • Homophones: cede, sede

Etymology 1

From Middle English seed, sede, side, from Old English sēd, sǣd (seed, that which is sown), from Proto-West Germanic *sād, from Proto-Germanic *sēdą, from Proto-Indo-European *seh₁- (to sow, throw).

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