When You’re Done Reading Our "Canna-Wiki" You’ll KNOW Who Your "Aunt Mary" is From a "Zip" & Everything In-Between so Find All of the Industry Terminology That You'll Need to be Familiar With.
- Sabinene
- Safeguard
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
- Salt
- San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club
- Sanitation
- Sanitizer
- San Marcos 7
- Sativa
- Scaffold
- Schedule I Drug
- Scion
- Scope
- Screen of Green (SCROG)
- Scromiting
- Scuff
- Sealable Equipment
- Seal-a-Meal
- Sea-of-Green (SOG)
- Seattle Hempfest
- Sebsi
- Secondary Nutrients
- Second-Party Conformity Assessment
- Sectional Ladder
- Seed
- Seed Pod
- Seed Talent
- Seed-to-Sale Concentrates
- Seed-to-Sale Tracking
- Selfing
- Self-Retracting Lifeline/Lanyard
- Senescence
- Sensi Seeds
- Sensitizer
- Sensory Neuropathy
- Separately Derived System
- Service
- Service Conductors
- Service Drop
- Service-Entrance Conductors
- Service Equipment
- Service Raceway
- Servicing (Maintenance)
- Sexual Propagation
- Shade
- Shafer Commission
- Shake
- Sheeting
- Shelf Life
- Shield (Shield System)
- Shoring (Shoring System)
- Short Circuit
- Side-Rolling Ladder
- Sides
- Side-Step Fixed Ladder
- Signaling Circuit
- Silo
- Single-Cleat Ladder
- Sinsemilla
- Sinsemilla Tips
- Sisters of the Valley
- Skin Up
- Skunk
- Sloping (Sloping System)
- Slow Response
- Smoking
- Snaphook
- Snipe
- Snoop Dogg G-Pen
- Soap
- Socket
- Software
- Soilless Mix
- Soil Load
- Soluble
- Solution
- Solvent
- Solvent-Free
- Solvent Recovery
- Space Cake
- Special-Purpose Ladder
- Specification
- SpeedWeed
- Spliff
- Sponge Rock
- Spore
- Sprout
- Square Feet (Meters)
- Stability Studies
- Stable Rock
- Stagnant
- Stair Railing
- Stair Rail System
- Stalking
- Stamen
- Staminate
- Standard
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Standard Railing
- Standards Developing Organization (SDO)
- Standard Strength and Construction
- Standard Threshold Shift
- Steamroller
- Steep Hill Lab
- Stepladder
- Sterility
- Sterilize
- Stigma
- Stipule
- Stoned
- Stoner
- Stoner Film
- Stoner Rights
- Stoney
- Storage Condition Tolerances
- Strain
- Strain Relief
- Stress
- Structural Ramp
- Students for Sensible Drug Policy
- Substrate
- Sugar
- Sump
- Sungrown
- Sun Stroke
- Super Bloom
- Super-Critical Botanical Extractor
- Supplier
- Support System
- Surveillance
- Sustainable Use
- Swedish Cannabis Activists
- Swisher
- Switches
- Switching Devices
- Synthesis
- Synthetic Cannabis (K2/Spice)