
Cannabis has been used as a medicinal for thousands of years and more recently has been prescribed by medical doctors as a treatment for pain in patients with chronic health problems and cancer.

It works so well that drug companies that produce painkillers want to have medical marijuana banned. Now, it has found a new group of people interested in its healing powers – parents of autistic children.

As the medical profession has all but abandoned these children to a life filled with severe neurological and immunological complications as they doggedly insist that their physical symptoms of pain are ‘just autism‘, determined parents have had to move away from the medical model of healthcare and look elsewhere to find therapies that will help their children.

Before the 1930s, there was no record of autism. Then in 1938, psychologist Leo Kanner diagnosed a small group of boys with ‘autistic disturbance‘, or ‘Kanner Syndrome‘ – the term for what would later be called autism. By the 1980s, one in every 10,000 children was autistic.

Today, one in every 68 children is autistic. Originally it was thought to have a purely psychological base and Dr. Kanner blamed it on mothers not showing their children love.

Despite science moving on and showing that autism is a neurologic and immune problem with physical pathologies, the only help that they are offered by mainstream medicine is behavioral therapy and speech therapy, even if they exhibit severe pain.

Worse still, without any real way to treat them, psychotropic drugs with significant side effects are used to sedate and modify their behavior.

Parental Reports of Autism Improvement After Cannabis

It was parents who discovered that many autistic children improve and gain speech after being given a gluten-free and milk-free diet and this is gradually being accepted by doctors. It is parents who have discovered the ability of the cannabis plant to reduce the symptoms of autism.

Lester Grinspoon, M.D., said that parents had reported that their children’s symptoms eased after taking cannabis and that the cannabis plant was more effective than conventional pharmaceuticals, and that in his opinion, this anecdotal evidence should be taken seriously by medical researchers.

Cannabis Helped Many Issues


He described the case of a mother, Mrs. Lee, whose nine-year-old son has autism and bowel disease. His temper tantrums were becoming so bad he couldn’t learn at school. He also wasn’t sleeping and was aggressive with his family.

As he had limited speech, ‘talk‘ therapy wasn’t possible and doctors wanted to give him psychotropics to calm him down. Mrs. Lee’s homeopath suggested she try medical marijuana instead. After getting a signed form from the physician to allow her son to receive marijuana, she bought marijuana tea, glycerine, olive oil, and a cookie recipe.

After just a small piece of cookie, her son asked to go to bed an hour earlier than usual and slept peacefully through the night.

After two weeks of the tea, he began to smile more, he mellowed out and stopped being aggressive, enabling him to progress in his studies and go on outings.

Four months into treatment he stopped chewing his clothing and he stopped having bowel pain and crying when going to the toilet. Previously he was in so much pain he gouged his face but after regular use of cannabis, he was pain-free and happy.


Cannabis Boosts Longevity


Another mother, Mieko Hester-Perez, has a six-year-old son with autism and Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, a terminal muscle-wasting disease. His prognosis was grim and he was only given six (6) months to live.

At the time of this fateful diagnosis, he had already been given a toxic cocktail of 13 different medications and doctors wanted to add more drugs to the mix.

Mrs. Hester-Perez wanted to try something that wouldn’t fill his last months with side effects so she chose foods that were infused with cannabis oil. Soon, her son started to make eye contact, his appetite improved and he put on weight. He also became more social. Six years later he is still alive.

With so little being done to help autistic children and so many children now affected, botanical marijuana is a natural plant medicine with few side effects that have the potential to bring real healing and improve the quality of life for millions of children.

Let us know what you think. 

