We Provide Alumni With As Many Industry Resources As Possible... Add Career Opportunities You Have Available To Our Job Board Directory & Find A "Good Fit") To Get That "Dream Talent" Hired.

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Company Details

Accreditations & Authorizations
Our "Claim-to-Fame" Is Being The Most Accredited (or Authorized) Training Provider In The Industry To ENSURE What We Do Actually Meets ALL Those Never-Ending Regulator Requirements.
Our Mission

We’re Green CulturED & we’re on a mission. It’s simple, but a VERY powerful mission: We will train 1,000,000+ individuals over the next five (5) years on everything there’s to know about cannabis that’ll ensure regulatory compliance, reduce risk & increase profitability.

If we achieve this mission, we will create 100’s of 1,000’s opportunities for individuals that will add BILLIONS to the global economy. That’s a big deal! It’s an important mission & we’re “radically committed” since we believe it will change the world, yet we need help.

Why? We do this because we believe this industry is the most challenging, interesting & rewarding field there is. And finally, we do it for YOU. In the end, it’s our community that matters. We do our best  learning together so… if you share our vision, let’s get started!