Advanced Responsible Vendor Certification (MA)

We’re excited that you’re getting this “Choose Your Adventure” certification started, but we want to make sure you know what’s required, which is five (5) total modules with 70%+ grade for your “adventure” to be completed.
  1. Upload Identification File: Please make sure you complete the identity verification step before proceeding to modules as regulators require your government-issued Identification (ID) for us to verify individual learners.
  2. Submit Occupational License: Every worker is assigned an Occupational License (aka “Badge Number”) which is a required submission in order to satisfy all of our government mandated recordkeeping requirements.
  3. View Learning-Group Forum: Community-based learning is an essential component of this certification, if you have questions then simply ask in our forum to get support from our Subject Matter Expert (SME) team.
  4. Five (5) Modules Completed: There are five (5) different “adventures” based on license types and cannabis jobs, you’ll need to complete five (5) of any “adventure module” – it can be all in one “adventure” or others.
  5. Finish Course Evaluation: You will be instantly re-directed to the Course Evaluation after five (5) modules have been passed, once the evaluation is submitted then your digital badge and certificate are instantly issued.
We hope our “Choose Your Adventure” instructions are clear and helpful, but if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our SMEs and/or support team since they’re here every step along your “adventure!”

***Note: You must complete five (5) of any fifty (50) modules to be certified.

Course Content

Identity Verification & Community-Based Learning

Retail Cannabis Adventure***
Cultivation Operation Adventure***
Product Manufacturer Adventure***
Laboratory Testing Adventure***
Industry Safety Adventure***
1 of 2
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 54 Modules
  • 50 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate